Masters & Alloy

You know your products and what it takes to make them consistently excellent. At Masters & Alloy, we know additives, and when, where, and how you use them. Much more than just a semi-finished metals vendor, our team is skilled in the entire range of metal manufacturing disciplines and processes.

As well as being a provider of premium, certified, copper-based master alloys, we also supply the highest-quality virgin metal additives along with cost-efficient recycled metal alloys—but that’s not all.

When standard alloys just won’t do, our expertise at the furnace and in the lab brings you the finest engineered master alloys, creating the ingredients to put you in total control of your product quality and productivity.

As true experts in the production and provision of master alloys, we’re able to assist your business through consultation, offering solutions that save money or improve your product quality—and sometimes both. We also eliminate your need to hedge against material shortages and other risks by carrying safety stock. In short, we hold the inventory so you don’t have to.

Recycled Metals

In many cases, recycled additives are every bit as suitable as virgin metals and sometimes more so. Our

recycled metals are quality assured to keep your costs down and your manufacturing standards up.

We’re always happy to collaborate and consult to help you find the balance between cost efficiency and

specific material composition to best enhance your finished or semi-finished metal goods.

Virgin Additives

For some manufacturing applications, only the purest virgin metal additives will do. We source the finest

virgin materials to meet your most exacting manufacturing requirements. When you need an ingredient

that’s straight from nature’s geological kitchen, you’ll find it within our highest quality virgin additive


Engineered Alloys

When your customers depend on you for consistently high quality products comprising precisely

engineered alloys, surprises are rarely welcome. Thanks to our focus on quality, it’s no surprise that our

customers applaud us for engineering alloys that meet specifications with what we’re proud to describe

as monotonous regularity.

Copper based alloys

Our copper-based master alloys are carefully created to save you time, energy and ultimately money,

while also offering solutions to your metal composition challenges. Controlled by expert technicians in

our sophisticated, state of the art lab, we provide master alloys of a standard that greatly exceeds

certification requirements.



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Morbi leo felis, interdum sit amet mauris ut, pulvinar tristique tellus. Suspendisse sem nulla, vulputate a sagittis vel, tempor in lectus. Fusce ultrices porta congue. Integer in libero lectus. Maecenas volutpat pretium luctus. Phasellus ante sem, tincidunt a magna vitae, mollis lacinia elit. Integer pretium at orci eu placerat. Ut eu malesuada arcu. Ut dictum cursus hendrerit. Nulla facilisi. Nulla dapibus interdum metus eget egestas. Integer eu sollicitudin est, elementum tincidunt lectus.